Zhaleen's desk

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Location: Quezon City, Philippines

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Encouragement Means a Lot

I read this from the compilation of G12 readings that we have... Read on...

Cell leadership can be a wearisome journey. It’s not for the faint-hearted. The fact is that members often don’t show up, evangelism fails, babies get sick, events fill the calendar, and bosses require extra hours. Cell leadership involves making phone calls, developing new leaders, evangelism, and administration. In the face of so many tasks and problems, how are you supposed to keep the cell leader alive, well, and ready to follow God?

The answer is encouragement. A coach who encourages can make the difference between success and failure, between the leader continuing—and eventually multiplying the cell—and throwing in the towel. This ministry of encouragement takes on additional importance because it has the potential to have long-term, widespread impact on many people, not just on an individual cell group leader.

"Find the one thing that you believe is the potential leader’s greatest asset, and then give 100 percent encouragement in that area" (John Maxwell).

Take time to encourage someone today... Its impact is more than what you imagine.


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