Zhaleen's desk

My personal thoughts on life, ministry, people, myself and my God

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Jars of Clay

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7, NIV

Having the life of Christ in us is the greatest treasure we will every have in our lifetime. It's the treasure that will never be taken from us. And it will never fade...

This treasure, no matter how precious and incorruptible, is kept in a vessel that God Himself chose... jars of clay. The Lord showed me that our lives are like jars of clay -- so fragile, so delicate, vulnerable and requires high maintenance. Our lives are too delicate that it needs the very hand of God to be taken cared of. No one and nothing can take good care of us except the Potter Himself.

We do not have the power to take care of our lives, just as the jar of clay has no power to protect itself. We need the hand of the Potter to protect us, cover us and defend us; so that we will not fail to recognize that the power working in us is not of ourselves, but is from God.

So, why be anxious about taking care of your lives? The Potter says, 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you..." Instead of worrying about our lives, let's give all our anxieties and concerns to our loving Potter... He will take care of every single thing that we place upon His hands. He specializes in handling the most delicate --- that's you and me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... I never saw jars of clay as objects that require high maintenance...

praise GOd for this insight, we really need our minds to be renewed about this...

wow... talk about leaving our lives into the hands of God...

6:18 PM  

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