When God Anoints a Man

I have heard the word anointing a thousand times or more. I've also prayed and asked for anointing many times in my life. But today is different, I am not just hearing the word, I am not just asking for it... God tells me what anointing is...
I read from 1 Samuel 10:6, "The Spirit of God will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy among them, and you will be a different person."
Then, I read the verse over and over again.. and the Lord started speaking to me... Here it goes...
This word came when Samuel was anointing Saul. After he poured oil upon him, this was the word: "The Spirit of God will come upon you..." The Lord spoke to me that to be anointed means to have the Spirit of God come upon you, not in visitation but as an INVASION! To be anointed is to have the very presence of God dwelling in you in a permanent way. It is not just when you preach or minister, but it is in you every single moment of your life. You're invaded by the very presence of God. That is anointing!!!
What else? When the Spirit of God comes upon you, it will not be just an ordinary thing, that can even be unnoticed. But the Spirit of God is going to come in POWER. The Spirit will not give power, rather, He will make you experience power. And that same power will energize every weak part in you, it will give life to every lifeless part of you, it will stir up every sleepy part of you, it will awaken your faith, it will excite you... It's gonna blow you up!!!! When the Spirit comes upon us, He blows us up with His power.
And what happens to a person when he is anointed? The verse tells us, "you will prophesy among them and you will be a different person." WOW! When we receive God's anointing, we become a different person. How? The anointing releases us to our true identity as designed by God. We are released from becoming an ordinary person. We are released to our true identity of being God's instrument, perfectly ready to be used by its Maker. The verse tells us that Saul, after being anointed, will stop being just Saul, the ordinary man. He is going to become a different person and he will be prophesying among other prophets. Anointing releases us to our call. Anointing launches us to our ministry.
1 Samuel 10:7 continues "After these signs take place, do whatever you think is best, for God is with you." Anointing releases us to do whatever God will bring in front of us to accomplish. Whatever you need to do, if you are anointed by the oil of God, just do it!!! It may not be because you are good in it or you are accustomed to it, but simply because God is with you... The anointing is on you...
When God anoints a man, he stops being who he is and he starts becoming who he REALLY is. That is the power of the presence of God dwelling us!